
Another Article!

Mar 15 2011

 More articles from me. This is a test page - hurray!

Walter Matthau is Albert Einstein, Meg Ryan is Catherine Boyd, his niece, and Tim Robbins is an automobile mechanic named Ed. Ed falls in love at first sight with Catherine, who’s engaged to a stuffy scientist no one likes. Einstein wants Catherine to be with Ed because he thinks Ed’s a great guy – better than the stuffy guy that no one likes – but she’s engaged to the stuffy guy no one likes because she thinks he’s really smart and she wants to have smart babies. So, Einstein and his three genius friends dress Ed up like a scientist and tell the world that he’s figured out how to get a spacecraft to run on cold fusion – to convince Catherine that he’s an intellectual.

And, if the premise doesn’t sound fabulous enough that you’ve just exploded out of your house and spirited to the local video store to rent the film (no time to Netflix it!), then you should know that Tony Shalhoub is also in the film – and he’s always wonderful, even without a bushy mustache (he’s clean shaven here – it’s the 50s).

First Post

Mar 15 2011

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  • Another Article!  More articles from me. This is a test page - hurray! Walter Matthau is Albert Einstein, Me...
  • First Post This is your blog. You can use it to write about new product launches, experiences, tips or other...